Monday, January 10, 2011

Look of the day

It's a gloomy rainy day, and I've been at home studying the entire day. So, I decided to make a little break and to do an outfit post, not that I'm actually going anywhere. I guess it's what I'd wear today if I were. I got a few things at H&M sales last week, which were insanely cheap :) I still have to check out Zara and Stradivarius, etc. while they still have some normal sizes left :)

P.S. sorry for the visible remote control :)


  1. joj medve imava skor iste laske...z razliko da sem moje postrigla (why oh why)
    Lepa majcka, lepa sandra, lepe fotke...

  2. Kok postrigla? moji so bli tud prej daljši, pa se mi zdi kt da so zdej ful kratki :)

  3. nice style:)x check it out if you like it we can follow each other through bloglovin&google:)x
