Sunday, March 6, 2011

Biker Boots

Biker boots have been a necessary wardrobe item for quite a while now, but somehow I can't seem to find a pair I like here in Slovenia. I would gladly have all of these shown below (especially the Jerffrey Campbell ones), but the shipping costs so much it's just not worth it. Maybe I'll have better luck in New York (I'm going there in April!!:)).


  1. ej, nekaj podobnega sem videla v Humanicu...hmmm....te zadnji so dost podobni tistim...sicer je verjetno že vse pobrano...tako, da good luck in new york:) ooo..jaz bi tudi šlaaaa:)

  2. A res?? Se splača it pogledat, ker si ne morem izbit teh čevljev iz glave :)
    Ampak mam filing, da bo treba kar do NY počakat :)

  3. o ti srečkicaaaa....New York <3

  4. Hii, where can i find this ash boots in NYC? Especially first?
